Map of year four Democracy Project sites
Democracy Project begins its fourth year with 10 sites across Montana! Welcome to four new sites joining the program: Plenty Coups High School Library in Pryor, Fairfield-Teton Library in Fairfield, Rosebud County Library in Forsyth, and Geraldine Branch Library! Six Democracy Project sites from year three will return to participate this program year. These sites are: Columbia Falls High School, Gallatin High School Library in Bozeman, McCone County Public Library in Circle, Miles City Public Library, the James E. Shanley Library at Fort Peck Community College in Poplar, and Wibaux High School Library.
The Democracy Project is a teen-led, non-partisan initiative supported by local libraries, community partners, and Humanities Montana. This program gives teens the resources to meet community needs while learning their role in an evolving democracy. Through direct civic engagement, teens work for six months on projects they feel are vital to their community, ending with a public showcase. Stay tuned for project updates from teens participating in the Democracy Project!