2022 Wheatley Lecture
This lecture event, co-sponsored by the United Campus Ministry at MSU Billings the Wheatley Lecture committee, features bestselling author and theologian Nadia Bolz-Weber.
Bolz-Weber is an ordained Lutheran (ELCA) Pastor, founder of House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, the creator and host of The Confessional, and author of three New York Times bestselling memoirs: Pastrix; The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of A Sinner & Saint (2013 and re-released in 2021), Accidental Saints; Finding God In All The Wrong People (2015) and SHAMELESS: A Sexual Reformation (2019). According to her website: “she writes and speaks about personal failings, recovery, grace, faith, and really whatever the hell else she wants to. She always sits in the corner with the other weirdoes.”
The Rev. Bolz-Weber will present on her book Shameless: A Case for Not Feeling Bad About Feeling Good (About Sex), a book that reminds readers that sexual flourishing can and should be for all genders, all bodies, and all humans.
This lecture event will include a conversation between Nadia Bolz-Weber and United Methodist Bishop Karen Oliveto. The Rev. Dr. Oliveto is Bishop of the Mountain Sky Area of the United Methodist Church. She is the first openly lesbian bishop in the United Methodist Church and speaks extensively on issues related to homelessness, economic justice, civil rights and LGBTQ rights.
There will be time for Q&A and book signing following the lecture.
This lecture is free and open to the public, though it is requested that persons reserve seating using the following link: https://billingsgrace.breezechms.com/form/nadiabolz-weberlecture