Dance, Dance, Dance


Roosevelt Center
Roosevelt Center, Red Lodge, MT


Red Lodge


Apr 27 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Dance, Dance, Dance

Weaving together movement and history, Mark Matthews teaches students community dances like squares, contras and circles or couples dances like the jitterbug, waltz, two-step and foxtrot while explaining the history behind the dances. He focuses on how Native American, European and African styles of dance and music blended together to form America’s unique popular culture. Dancing encourages eye contact, is a way to playfully interact, and teaches respectful physical contact in a setting that includes both genders. Like sports, dancing improves physical coordination and cardiovascular health, as well as relieving tension and strengthening social bonds.

Community members are invited to public dances in the evening where children share their new skills and knowledge with parents and friends.

The event is finished.