Historical Cowboy Music and Authentic Storytelling – Philip Page


C. M. Russell Museum


Great Falls


Sep 11 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm



Historical Cowboy Music and Authentic Storytelling – Philip Page

Through Cowboy Music and Authentic Storytelling, Philip Page educates audiences about Montana’s early rich history. It’s been said music is a bridge between emotions and actual thoughts and endless visions of the mind. For instance – Who were some of the first ones to come to the Montana Territory after the Lewis and Clark Expedition? What drew the first settlers to the wilderness? Who brought the first livestock and why? Where and how did they access the area? How the gold strikes of Bannock and Alder Gulch were instrumental in the expansion of the west? How men like Charley Russell and L.A. Huffman preserved early western history? Music can inspire humanity and proper stewardship of one of the most beautiful places on the planet, Montana.

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