Montana Women Writers Workshop with Caroline Patterson
Author and Executive Director of the Missoula Writing Collaborative, Caroline Patterson, inspires aspiring male and female writers with a short history of several historic Montana women writers and then leads the audience in writing sketches about remarkable women in their past: homesteaders, teachers, ranchers, rodeo riders, homemakers, and bartenders. Audience members who prefer recording an oral history will use DIY technology to capture their stories on audio.
This program is part of Travelers’ Rest State Park’s 2021 Winter Storytelling series Reimagining America. Speakers will reflect on the theme of Reimagining America as they share stories and histories via Zoom on Saturdays at 11 a.m. The theme is drawn from the exhibit, Reimagining America: the Maps of Lewis and Clark, on display January 9—March 6 during regular Visitor Center hours.