Montana’s Native People: Perspectives on the Clovis Child Webinar Series Part 6
Archaeology, Human Remains, and the State Historic Preservation Office Jessica Bush, state archaeologist
Yellowstone Gateway Museum invites tribal college and high school students and educators to join us Fall and Winter 2020 for a FREE eight-session live career webinar series. The webinars explore the work of anthropologists, archaeologists, geneticists and other professionals who have gained an understanding of the Anzick Site in Park County, Montana.
Jessica will talk about her professional career and the work she does at the State Historic Preservation Office, including how it relates to the discovery of human remains. She will also discuss how the Anzick Site fits into the bigger picture of Montana archaeology.
Jessica has her Master’s degree in Anthropology from the University of Montana, where her area of interest was precontact plains archaeology. After working for several years as a Section 106 consultant, she became the Review and Compliance Officer at the Montana State Historic Preservation Office. Last fall, Jessica was hired as Montana’s State Archaeologist.