Nuclear Weapons: New Realities, Bozeman
Russian President Putin’s February 2023 announcement that Russia would ‘suspend’ implementation of the New START Treaty is the latest blow to an arms control infrastructure that had done so much to reduce the risk of nuclear conflict. Coming atop Chinese and North Korean nuclear build-ups, and Iran’s continued work to achieve nuclear weapons latency, the risk of nuclear conflict is higher than it has been in the last 60 years. The risk is not measurable, and it perhaps is not high, but it is definitely not zero. How should the United States reassert its leadership of a quest for a world free of this nuclear threat?
Speaker Bio: Thomas Countryman has been Chairman of the Arms Control Association since 2017. The ACA is a nonpartisan NGO which analyzes key national security issues and advises the executive branch, Congress and the public on choices that promote global security and reduce risk from weapons of mass destruction. He retired from the Senior Foreign Service after 35 years of service. In Government, he served simultaneously as acting Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, and as Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation. Previously he served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs, and as Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, with responsibility for the Balkans region. He served overseas at US Embassies in Belgrade, Tunis, Cairo, Rome and Athens; and served in the US at the United Nations, the White House and the Pentagon. For more information, please go to: |