State Park Summer Speaker Series featuring Christopher Preston


Missouri Headwaters State Park
1585 Trident Rd, Three Forks, MT 59752


Three Forks


Jul 17 2020


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

State Park Summer Speaker Series featuring Christopher Preston

Missouri Headwaters State Park 

On Saturday July 17th beginning at 7:00pm, the Missouri Headwaters State Park will be hosting the Saturday night Summer Speaker Series with author and professor of environmental philosophy, Christopher Preston. The theme this year is “Protecting our Natural Resources,” and Christopher Preston will be presenting Montana Conversation, “The Resurgent Wild.”

Restoration of animals like grizzly bears, bison, and wolves in the Big Sky means that, in some contexts, Montana’s wild nature may be resurging. Nature, it turns out, may be on the point of being renewed. Christopher Preston looks at how these examples of renewal fit with the traditional account of nature preservation and what they might mean for how we think about the surrounding landscape going forward.

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we will be adhering to social distancing standards by asking non-related visitors to stay at least 6 feet apart and by limiting the capacity to 50 people or less. We will also not be providing s’mores or beverages. We will be hosting this event during varying weeks.

*We will be streaming this event via Facebook Live. If you cannot join us in person, please visit at 7:00 pm to hear our speaker series.

The event is finished.