Sqelix Salish Storytelling – Aspen & Cameron Decker


Missoula Public Library
301 E Main St, Missoula, MT 59802




Nov 21 2022


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm



Sqelix Salish Storytelling – Aspen & Cameron Decker

Sqelixʷ ‘Salish’ Storytelling incorporates Salish Language, Plains Indian Sign Language, and storytelling to discuss Salish culture, identity, and values. This presentation teaches Indigenous understandings about native storytelling, and Indigenous connection with the land. Aspen and Cameron Decker focus on Coyote stories to teach about Salish place names/Montana geography, art, and the Salish seasonal round. Coyote stories are told throughout the winter months. In the warmer months, this program focuses on Salish anthologies. 

During the course of Sqelixʷ ‘Salish’ Storytelling, Aspen and Cameron Decker speak about storytelling, the life lessons that they teach, and Indigenous geographical knowledge of Montana and Salish aboriginal territory. This presentation also introduces the culture behind oral traditions and Salish seasonal protocols. Together both speakers incorporate and speak Salish Language and Plains Sign Language associated with the stories with participants, during their program.

The event is finished.