Sierra Cornelius

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Sierra Cornelius

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Each week during our shelter in place order, Sierra has written a philosophy section for our Digital and DIY Humanities email that helps us frame our thoughts and leads to insights into our current condition. Although her position began as administrative support, she quickly took on projects far beyond filing and data entry.

When she made the decision to resume pursuing a B.A., she spent a long time thinking about what she was passionate about.

“I came to understand that all of my interests centered around that moment when, after reading, watching, or listening to someone’s story that differs from your own, you feel your own humanity expand to make room for theirs.”

Now, in both school and work, Sierra studies stories. She especially enjoys learning about the grant projects around the state and the variety of people and voices telling the stories of their lives.

“There are corners of silence in any culture,” she says, “and part of the humanities’ job is to go into those silent places and find those stories that need to be heard. The humanities are a vehicle for all people and cultures to share and learn from each other’s experiences.”