2010 - 2010
2010 Major Accomplishments
- 2010 Richard Hugo’s Selected Poems chosen as One Book Montana.
- NEH Site Visit in Missoula.
- “State of Montana” public forum with Pat Williams and Lorents Grosfield, moderated by Brian Kahn.
- Strategic Planning Retreat, Camus Creek Ranch.
- Hosting NEH Chairman Jim Leach on “Civility Tour” in Billings.
- Meaning of Service grant renewed.
- Humanities Montana Festival of the Book features Hugo Karaoke and A Shiver Runs Through It: The Ghost Gala.
- Grants provided for films focused on “the Red Corner” and “Indian Relay.”
- Grants provided for “End of Life Choices Conference” in Helena, “German Gulch Interpretive Website,” “Glacier National Park Exhibit,” Montana Musueum of Art and Culture, and more.
- Record number of requests for OpenBook programs.
- Humanities Montana staff present on social media and rural programs at National Humanities Conference.