Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana
Image Identification
Match the number and title to the tab below to find out who was photographed in each image.
Front row, seated, left to right:
Bruce R. Sievers, Executive Director, MCH; Flora Willett, English Professor, Eastern Montana College, Billings; Alma Jacobs, Director of the State Library, Helena; Joseph Ward taught at Carroll, English department
Second row, standing, left to right:
Lee Hargesheimer, Secretary, MCH, Missoula; Robert Pantzer, President, University of Montana and Chairman, Missoula; Roy Huffman, Vice President for Research, Montana State University, Bozeman; Bradley Parrish, attorney, Lewistown; Pierce C. Mullen, History and Philosophy Department, Montana State University, Bozeman; Harold G. Stearns, Chair, Montana 1776 Bicentennial Commission, Helena
Third row, standing, left to right:
Earl J. Barlow, Superintendent of Schools, Browning; Dave Drum, businessman, Billings; John Vandewetering, History Department, University of Montana, Missoula; William Mackay, Jr., Lazy EL Ranch, Roscoe
Front row, seated, left to right:
Percy DeWolfe, former State Senator; Merle Lucan, State Indian Affairs Coordinator; Curley Bear Anderson, Director of Manpower for Urban Indians; Vernon Bellecourt, American Indian Movement; Floyd Westerman, folksinger
Standing, left to right:
Prof. Tom Power, Economics, University of Montana; Prof. Richard Vanderpool, Political Science, Northern Montana College; Prof. Bill Thackeray, Humanities, Northern Montana College; Bernie MorningGun, Montana American Indian Movement; Warren Matte, Director, Highline Indian Alliance; Greg Heming, Hill County Community Action Program
Left to right:
Joe White Cow and George Bird Tail
William Hjortsberg, Tom Orton and Bill Kittredge
Left to right:
Jane Bailey and Ishmael Reed
Left to right:
unknown; George P. Horse Capture; Dr. Joseph H. Cash
Pat Bear with video camera and Sandy Segal with 35mm
Left to right:
Joe Sample;
Left to right:
Jeanie Eder and David Muller
Left to Right:
Susan Heyneman, MCH Chair; Congressman Ron Marlenee’s LA; Ron Perrin, Federation of State Humanities Councils; Margaret Kingsland, MCH Executive Director
Left to right standing:
Michael Beehler, David Karnos, Larry Kravik, Bruce Toole, Ron Bibler, David Walter, Lee Rostad, Rosemary Aus, Paul Monaco, Ken Egan, Tim Bernardis, Judy Browning
Bill Chaloupka, Sar McClernan, Margaret Kingsland, John Opitz, Walter Fleming
Top left to right:
Camas Creek shop at Jock and Jamie Doggett’s home in White Sulphur Springs
Fred Gilliard, Fred Skinner, Germaine White
Hal Stearns, Jr, Bonnie Bowler
Tom Elliot, Tim Lehman, Arla Jeanne Murray
Henry Gonshak, Bill Bevis, Mark Sherouse, Stephen Fenter, Valerie Gager, Janet McMillan, Eileen Sansom, Robert Poore
Jennifer Jeffries Thompson, Kay Chafey, Jamie Doggett and her dog Sage, Yvonne Gritzner
Left to right:
William Marcus and David Quammen
Debra Magpie Earling, Judy Blunt, Mary Clearman Blew
Lailani Upham
Paul O. Zelinsky