February 2024 Grant News

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Call for Community Project Grant Proposals!

Applications due April 1, 2024

Community Project Grant applications are currently being accepted for requests over $2,000. The next application deadline is April 1, 2024.

Part of Humanities Montana’s purpose is to support the invaluable work being done by other cultural institutions, organizations, scholars, filmmakers, and leaders in our state. Wherever the human condition is examined, cooperative relationships strengthened, civic discourse enriched, and diverse stories told, Humanities Montana strives to serve as a resource.

Community Project Grants support humanities projects with rich cultural content and strong work plans that will reach or engage new audiences. For more information, please visit our website, read our Community Project Grant guidelines, and schedule a consultation with our grants and evaluation director as soon as possible.

All interested applicants must complete a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) using our online portal —preferably no later than March 10. The LOI question list is available for preview on the website, and interested organizations should complete the online form as soon as possible.

Our grants and evaluation director, Megan Hill Sundy will gladly answer any additional questions you might have and support you throughout the application process.

Megan J. Hill Sundy
Grants and Evaluation Director
(406) 243-6067

Community Project Grant Resources

Lewistown Grant Writing Workshop & Listening Session

In January, Humanities Montana staff members John Knight and Megan Sundy took a trip to Central Montana for an action-packed weekend in Lewistown. Thanks to the Lewistown Public Library, we joined community members at the annual Chili Bowl fundraiser for trivia, chili, and great conversation. Then, we ventured to the library to host the first free grant-writing workshop of 2024. We were joined by 20 enthusiastic community members ready and willing to explore the world of grant writing. The grant-writing workshop also included a United We Stand listening session that helped Humanities Montana learn more about pressing community issues in Lewistown and how humanities programs and grants might be able to support community building. Many thanks to our friends at the Lewistown Public Library and to Lewistown community members for sharing their Saturday and braving the cold to learn with us! Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about upcoming workshops in April, May, and August.

Recent Awardees

Congratulations to our most recent grantees! To learn more about these inspiring organizations and their projects, visit our grants awarded webpage.

  • Bringing Coyote Stories to Life for Missoula-Area Homeschoolers, Historical Museum at Fort Missoula, Missoula, MT, $2,000. This one-day workshop in February 2024 provided by Xʷlxʷilt (Aspen and Cameron Decker) will consist of storytelling and an interactive art activity held at the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula. Xʷlxʷilt will bring their new Indigenous art and cultural education program called “Coyote Stories in a Bubble” to the museum to share their unique perspective and cultural knowledge with our area’s homeschool network. Participants will immerse themselves in the world of Native American storytelling, coupled with the creation of pictographic art using glow-in-the-dark paint under black light. Students will learn Salish language and Plains Indian Sign Language corresponding to the stories they listen to and have the opportunity to explore storytelling, creativity, and teamwork in a dynamic and visually stunning environment. This program is designed for elementary and middle school students and is designed to support IEFA standards and initiatives.
  • Alpine Artisans 2 Valleys Stage Supaman Workshops, Alpine Artisans, Inc., Seeley Lake, MT, $1,600. This project is part of an ongoing series sponsored by Alpine Artisans 2 Valleys Stage. They produce five in-school cultural events per year featuring presenters who provide educational and enriching experiences at four local schools in the Seeley-Swan area. Guest performers offer students in rural communities hands-on, creative activities through workshops, lessons and discussions.On March 14 and 15, 2024, Supaman, a talented Crow artist who combines his hip-hop music and Native American dancing with a message of resilience and hope, will conduct one-hour workshops following his stage performances at Swan Valley School in Condon, Seeley Lake Elementary School and Seeley-Swan High School in Seeley Lake, and Potomac School in Potomac, Montana. Supaman, a.k.a. Christian Takes Gun Parrish, is a member of the Apsaalooke (Crow) Nation. His workshop content will include the history of the Crow tribe in Southeastern Montana and address the importance of ritual, observance, and historic roots to Crow culture.
  • Using Games & Hip-Hop to Teach Montana Youth About Cultural Appreciation and Appropriation, Ingenium, Great Falls, MT, $2,000. Ingenium, a nonprofit organization working with Montana youth to raise awareness and interest in STEAM careers and community impact through video game design and entrepreneurship, has partnered with Power Schools in Teton County to host an assembly in March. This gathering will teach kids about the differences between cultural appreciation and appropriation through the lens of music and video games. The assembly will feature a performance by Christian Takes Gun Parrish a.k.a. Supaman, a member of the Apsaalooke Nation, dancer, and innovative hip-hop artist, followed by a discussion and Q&A with the artist about how his input shaped the design of characters and music in recently developed video games. The project aims to both entertain students and encourage them to think about how they can respectfully interact with different cultures in the world around them.
  • “Why Should I Care” Film Screening, Presentation, Panel and Audience Discussion, Hands On Global, Inc., Helena, MT, $1,395.00. Hands On Global’s film “Why Should I Care” about the issue of unhoused people in Helena, features a compilation of interviews with unhoused members of the community, representatives of nonprofits serving them and local government, and concerned members of the public. It offers a comprehensive and informative view of this complex issue. The film screening will take place on March 7, 2024, at St Paul’s Methodist Church in Helena, Montana, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. and will include a facilitated panel discussion with representatives from the city, health care, faith, community service, and unhoused communities. The project aims to provide new information that encourages the Helena community to make informed decisions based on facts and a broader perspective of this issue.
  • Saakwaynaamah’kaa — Mural Painting Demonstration & Artist Talk with Blackfeet Artist Terran Last Gun, Hockaday Museum of Art, Kalispell, MT, $1910.80. Coinciding with a new exhibition open to the public from April through June 2024, the Hockaday Museum of Art in Kalispell, Montana, features an on-site mural demonstration and artist talk by Blackfeet artist Terran Last Gun, Sah’kwiinaamah’kaa. The project teaches and helps preserve the cultural significance of historic and contemporary indigenous art and traditions.