Gather Round Goes National

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Gather Round Goes National

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Our DIY humanities toolkit is a hit! We’ve sent out all 50 and are starting to hear from people who’ve gotten together with friends and family to try it out. A few of our kits left Montana for California, Idaho, and Kansas. This fall, we’ll be sharing the model with other organizations at the National Humanities Conference in Hawaii.

It’s all pretty exciting for a new program, but we’re most proud of what’s happening right here in Montana. Gather Round went to Sidney, Montana, and the host, Sarah, wrote back:

“We enjoyed this so very much. We played cards, all the games mentioned. The winners received a pin. My grandma was with the ladies who are recently widowed when I brought this to her to see if there was interest. Needless to say, it wasn’t the plan but it happened that day. My grandma and the ladies currently have the book as they all gather weekly and now they read a couple sections. This brought light to a hard, sad time. Thank you. (The ladies now light the candle weekly and we all found the tea to be delicious!)”

If you have a toolkit or have been to a gathering, let us know how it went.