Fifty-Six Counties: A Montana Journey

Program Description

In 2014-5, Russell Rowland traveled to every county in Montana and interviewed people, getting their take on the state where they live and what it means to them. He also read dozens of books about the history of the state, and eventually compiled a book, “Fifty-Six Counties: A Montana Journey”, that is a combination history/Social commentary/travelog about his experience. Since the book came out in 2016, Rowland has been hosting a radio show of the same name for Yellowstone Public Radio. In this presentation, Rowland will share his experiences traveling across the state, and getting to know people from all walks of life.

Presenter Bio

Russell Rowland was born in Bozeman and spent most of his childhood in Montana, where his grandparents were original homesteaders. As a young adult, Rowland left the state and was gone for 25 years, where he developed a strong sense of what he missed about Montana, especially after living in many different parts of the country. When Russell returned to the state, he had come to appreciate all of the best parts of Montana. With his return, he wanted to get a better sense of how we became the state we are; a place that is rich with resources but has always managed to maintain a reverence and respect for those resources while still finding ways to utilize them for industrial purposes. In 2016, Rowland published “Fifty-Six Counties: A Montana Journey” based on his travels and hosts a similarly titled radio show on Yellowstone Public Radio. Currently, Rowland produces the podcast, “The State of Montana”, where he interviews Montanans on various political issues around the state.


Russell Rowland