Program Description
There is an intertribal movement of acquiring traditional languages. The practices of revitalization and renaissance are being complemented by the movements and action-based techniques of learning words and phrases while exercising the motions of the traditional Plains Indian Sign Language. This language has a vast background and served as the primary medium of communication between the western movement and indigenous nations. In this presentation, Dr. Lanny Real Bird will showcase the methods, practice, and reinforcement of language acquisition. These methods are essential for introducing effective teaching techniques for indigenous learners. In this presentation, Real Bird provides a down to earth understanding of indigenous culture and heritage through language, explanation of culture and heritage, and explaining or linking knowledge between the mainstream and native nations in Montana like the Apsaalooke (Crow).
Presenter Bio
Dr. Lanny Real Bird has been serving as storyteller, language acquisition consultant, language instructor, assessment designer, curriculum developer, strategic planner, grant writer, and recognized spokesman and orator of the Apsaalooke for nearly 40 years. His craft is teaching, and he is a teacher of worldly educational foundations in the regional, rural, and grassroots centers in the state.

Dr. Lanny Real Bird