School Library Revitalization: Circle, MT

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Spotlight on the Democracy Project in Circle, Montana

After teens cleaned and organized the library shelves

Democracy Project teens in Circle, Montana, are revitalizing their high school library. In their own words, here is what their project will accomplish:

Our library before was sad and old. The books and everything were all disorganized and unappealing. As a book lover, it was an absolute disheartening sight that needed to be changed. From summers of volunteering at our county library, we linked that to the Democracy Project and found that we could positively change the sad little library of our high school. The end goal of the project is to see more students interested in our library and reading more out of wanting to instead of requirement. Once our reorganization is finished we will survey the students, asking which books, authors, and genres they would like to read.” — Circle High School freshman


There are few relevant books in the high school, and those that are there were crammed together and disorganized. We wanted to spread out the books and divide them by genre to increase interest. We cleaned, reorganized, and decorated the shelves. Students can now find books that interest them much easier. Towards the end of our project, we plan to buy more books based on student requests. Our goal is to foster a greater excitement about reading within the school.” – Circle High School junior