2002 - 2002
2002 Major Accomplishments
- Major bookfest grant from National Endowment for the Arts.
- Third Montana Festival of the Book.
- Bookfest mini-grants to Bozeman, Great Falls, and Helena.
- Development of 9-11 special edition of Speakers Bureau.
- Missoula high school student Ledah Wilcox wins national Letters About Literature contest.
- Grants include research fellowship on African Americans in territorial Montana.
- Documentary on the Montana Constitutional Convention (and support for its 30th anniversary conference).
- Home Ground radio series.
- Lecture series on the 225th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
- Billings residency for poet (and now National Endowment for the Arts Chairman-nominee) Dana Gioia.
- Kalispell lecture and discussion series on 9-11.
- Presentations on PBS’ Frontier House by its historian/ consultants.
- Lectures preceding Shakespeare in the Parks’ summer productions of Henry IV, Part I.
- Missoula series on public issues in healthcare.