2003 - 2003
2003 Major Accomplishments
- Fourth Montana Festival of the Book.
- Screening of Stone Reader and appearance by director Mark Moskowitz.
- Gala readers include Leif Enger, Robert Wrigley, and David Quammen.
- Inauguration of One Book Montana with Mildred Walker’s Winter Wheat. More than fifty groups statewide participate, Montana Public Radio and Yellowstone Public Radio readings and panels.
- Governor’s Humanities Award honorees include Diana Eck, Harry Fritz, Sue Hart, Cindy Kittredge, and James Welch.
- Major grants include “Confluence of Cultures” and “Montana and the Silk Road.”
- MCH former chair Jamie Doggett retires as chair of the board of directors of the Federation of State Humanities Councils.
- READON! becomes OpenBook.
- Book festival grants in Billings, Great Falls, and Helena.