Program Description
Smith brings to life the adventures and stories of James W. Schultz through the fictitious character of Jim Deakins. The year is 1879 and through Jim Deakins audiences take part in the hunting of the last of the great bison herds, share in the adventures of the Blackfeet and their enemy the Crow, and hear stories of that “foolishness” called Yellowstone National Park. Finally, Jim Deakins shares a powerful gift given by the Blackfoot medicine warrior Red Eagle. So come on along and join Jim Deakins in the year 1879!
Presenter Bio
Greg Smith lives in Bozeman and was a Ranger Naturalist and Backcountry Ranger in Glacier National Park for nearly 20 years. A longtime believer in the power of education, Smith now works with kids and adults as a storyteller, naturalist and historian. In his spare time, Greg enjoys trail running, backpacking, Nordic skiing and traveling the world on his bike.

Greg Smith
Ranger, naturalist
(406) 585-2404