November is Native American Heritage Month

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Montana is home to twelve sovereign tribes organized into one state-recognized, and seven federally recognized nations, and a large urban American Indian population. Tribal histories and contemporary cultures have shaped and are shaping the social landscape of Montana. (TPI)

78,000 people of American Indian heritage, or 6.5% the total population (, 2019), currently reside in the state of Montana. Humanities Montana has been proud to fund programs and projects over the years that bring the original voices of the state into classrooms and libraries, and into film and media.

This month, we are highlighting Native American stories on the big screen.

2019 Indigenous Cinema Series at The Roxy Theater

In partnership with Nl?ay Indigenous Film Festival with support from a Humanities Montana Opportunity Grant, The Roxy Theater in Missoula will be playing four feature films for their 2019 Indigenous Cinema Series. The goal of the series is to acknowledge and honor the presence of the indigenous peoples within Montana communities and across the world, and to be witness to their resilience as a people through the contemporary medium of storytelling. 

The Blackfeet Flood on MontanaPBS World

More than a half-century after the worst disaster in Montana history, a Blackfeet man returns to his reservation to confront the tragedy that claimed the lives of his parents. Over the course of three years, Butch New Breast faces the ghosts of his past — and the challenges of his present — with resolve, courage, and humor as he tries to remember, “what it means to be Blackfeet.”

The Blackfeet Flood will air on MontanaPBS World channel beginning November 25th at 7:00 p.m. Watch for more airings on November 26th and 29th.  Watch here ➞

Facilitated Conversations Around Montana

Humanities Montana provides Montana Conversations and Speakers in the Schools programs on Native Peoples and Indian Education for All. Book a program in your community or classroom by visiting our new website ➞

Montana Office of Public Instruction, Division of Indian Education. Montana Indians: Their History and Location. PDF file. October 15, 2019.