Speakers in the Schools


We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana’s cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund.

Conversations in the Classroom

Trained facilitators and experts lead students in workshops and conversations on topics like current affairs, untold histories, native cultures, literature, and more. Teachers can work with speakers to tailor programs to varying degrees to suit classroom needs.

Communities Served during the 2024 Speakers in the Schools Program:

Speakers in the Schools Programs

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with Dave Caserio and Parker Brown

with Dave Caserio

with Courtney Cowgill

with Aspen and Cameron Decker

with Marisa Diaz-Waian

with Arnold "Smoke" Elser & Eva-Maria Maggi

with Louise Ogemahgeshig Fischer

with Buck Hitswithastick (Morigeau)

with Tami Haaland

with Bridget Kevane

with Tahj Kjelland

with Katie Knight

with Chris La Tray

with Ambrin F. Masood, PhD

with Mark Matthews

with Leslie Van Stavern Millar III

with Caroline Patterson

with Ednor Therriault